

Bsc. Kinesiology | Certified Personal Trainer (CSEP)

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Element - Pop Smoke

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Conventional Deadlift

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Kagivan Prabaharan is a CSEP Certified Personal Trainer who graduated from the University of Waterloo with a BSc. in Kinesiology.

After dropping over 35lbs and witnessing firsthand how proper nutrition and exercise can boost one’s physical, mental and spiritual well-being, he now helps his clients achieve similar transformations.

Kagivan has learned a lot about creating sustainable transformations from his 12 years as a rep baseball player, kinesiology degree and from years of working out with clients and himself.

He specializes in educating, supporting and helping clients execute the things they need to do to achieve the results they deserve. If you are serious about to taking the next step in improving your physical, mental and spiritual health through exercise and nutrition, Kagivan is the ideal trainer for you.

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